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Pro Plus Caffeine Tablets

Pro Plus Caffeine Tablets give you a caffeine kick that can relieve the symptoms of tiredness and fatigue, so that you can focus on the task at hand.

Whether you’re cramming for an exam or you’re working late, a shot of caffeine could help you to feel more awake. Pro Plus contains the same amount of caffeine as a strong cup of coffee, which can help you to concentrate and stay alert.

Product Description


The active ingredient is caffeine (50mg per tablet). The other ingredients are sorbitol and magnesium stearate. Pro Plus Caffeine Tablets are sugar free.



If you're having a busy day and starting to feel tired, a kick of caffeine can help you feel more awake to keep pushing on. Two Pro Plus Caffeine Tablets contains the same amount of caffeine as 100ml of brewed coffee.


For adults and children aged 16 and over

 Not recommended for children under 16 years old.


Take 2 tablets

Do not take more than 2 tablets in 3 hours.


100mg of caffeine

Equivalent to 100ml of brewed coffee.


You can take up to 8 tablets a day

Which is 400mg of caffeine. Do not exceed 400mg per day from all sources.



Typical amounts of caffeine found in other sources



Study Smart

proplus-ticks-only-02 Sleep: This is the most important tip on the list. Your state of mind will greatly affect your exam performance, so try to get as much sleep as you can.

proplus-ticks-only-02 Revision Timetable: Having a plan will help to focus your mind and act as a reminder of what you've already learned. Make sure that you factor in time for a well-earned night off and some social time, as well as some you-time.

proplus-ticks-only-02 Find Some Space: It's best to find a quiet space where you can be alone. It could just be a desk in the corner of your room, but it needs to be somewhere comfortable, well lit, and away from the usual distractions such as your mobile phone.

proplus-ticks-only-02 Taking Notes: Revising is more effective if you stop and make notes as you go. Use word associations and diagrams to help you recall important bits of information. Include keywords for each topic, which can help to trigger your memory.

proplus-ticks-only-02 Revision Guides: These are written by experts and designed to help you revise each subject in the most efficient way. Ask your lecturer or tutor which guides they recommend for each subject.

proplus-ticks-only-02 Questions & Answers: Imagine you're trying to teach someone else about the subject you're revising. Turning facts into questions is an active learning technique that makes your brain work in a slightly different way and cements information into your memory.

proplus-ticks-only-02 Talking Books: Record yourself reading your notes so that you can play them back. Listening to notes you've written yourself ensures you're hearing things back in a way you understand.

proplus-ticks-only-02 Past Papers: Get hold of some past exam papers so that you can see what questions have been asked previously. This will make sure you know what to expect on the day.

proplus-ticks-only-02 Mind Mapping: This uses the visual and creative parts of your brain and helps you to make links and remember them. Use pictures and coloured pens to bring your notes to life – this should stick in your mind better than pages of words.

proplus-ticks-only-02 You're Not Alone: Your mates will be going through the same as you - they might even be stuck on the same subjects. You could work together, agree on study nights or just hang out together when you take a well-deserved break.




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